
What is the meaning of 11 11 11 in Islam /part 1

We wanted to see a miracle, and recognize the greatness of Quranic miracles in the verses of God must
 study the miracles within a single verse, or within the text component of several Quranic verses, and even within the section of the verse. On the other hand can be studied and the miracles of one word repeated in the Qur'an. Qur'an is not a poem Ibyatea applies to a single law or specific rhyme or rhythm one, but in the book of God we find in every verse in every sura miracle miracle, but in each character a miracle

This vision of the miracle of the Qur'an requires a lot of scientific research, in each search is displayed aspect of the miracle of digital or rhetorical, scientific ... This is what we do through a series of Qur'anic research. The range of this research will give an excellent idea for the digital miracle of the Quran, so all the questions
that did not respond this research, the reader can find the answer in other research, in sha Allaah

In this series of research numerical miracles always the way we use the row numbers a mathematical method known so-called strings decimal, where the limit is doubling every ten times from its predecessor. Qur'an has pointed to the great multiplication of the reward ten times, he said: (who came with good, and ten like he was as poor in quality but not like they will not be wronged) cattle: 160.

The oneness of God and His beautiful names
The words of God Almighty is not the end of it, as well as the numbers of God is endless. The miracle is not limited to the number (7), which we have seen much of it in previous research, but there numbers are countless, including the number (11) is the number of single initial consists of (1) and (1) and  is not divided only on himself and on each. And the presence of this figure in the book of God is the proof of the oneness of God.
Also shows the number is (99), which reflects the names of Allah, and this number is present in the book is proof that God has ninety-nine names, as told Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the saheeh hadeeth: (that God has ninety-nine names a hundred but one of learns them will enter Paradise).
This research has come under this as a kind of modern statistics and pondering the meanings of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty, especially if we know that the first name of God in the Book of Allah is (God), and the first recipe to God in the book are (Rahman).
Number (11) evidence of the oneness of GodIn the following paragraphs you will see amazing consistency with the number (11) This initial number of singular evidence that the Qur'an and the home of a one. Before starting the review of the facts relating to this amazing digital number, we would like to point out that the number of characters (Say God is one) is a tenth characters In Arabic language and the English Language

This consistency could never have come about by chance, because chance can not be repeated so amazing, this is also consistency with the number 11 can not be made ​​because the person aware of the digital series was not available at the time the descent of the quran.
The only possibility for the existence of such equations in the Quran is that God Almighty is developed to be evidence in this age of the sincerity of the Quran and that the book Lord of the Worlds, and not, as claimed by atheists that written by Muhammad peace be upon him.

Repeat the words of   Basmala (In the name of God the Merciful
In the words of the Basmalah find a figure to repeat each word as follows:

1 The word (name) is repeated in the entire Qur'an (22) times.

2 word (God) is repeated in the entire Koran (2699) times.

3 the word (Rahman) is repeated in the entire Qur'an (57) times.

4 words (Rahim) is repeated in the entire Quran (115) times.

To write these duplicates and see the amazing proportionality with the number (11):

In the name of God the Merciful

 22 57 115 
The number which represents the Mirrored these duplicates is: (11557269922) This number consists of (11) rank divisible by (11) completely:

11557269922 = 11 × 1050660902

Even if we collected the duplicates will find a number of multiples of (11):

22 + 2699 + 57 + 115 = 2893

And the number (2893) is the number of multiples (11):

2893 = 11 × 263

Vocabulary and the total output (263) is a Twelve:

3 + 6 + 2 = 11

Think about this complex mathematical operations, Is it the making of human beings?!?!
Characters and repeat the name of God

The number of characters a word (of God) is (4), and the number of times repeated in the entire Qur'an
time, and these numbers fit with the number 11

Number of characters Name (of God) repeat (God) in the Qur'an 2699 4
Number which represents the frequency and character of this great name is (26 994) a multiple of (11) also:26994= 11 ×2454
The irony is that the numbers of each verse is divided on (11) also found the first verse in the sura number (1) and verse (1) and the resulting number is (11) and equal to 11 × 1.

The last verse to be found in Sura number (112) and the verse number (2) and the resulting number is (2112) Asymmetric this number is a multiple of (11):

2112 = 11 × 192
Repetition of one a and L and distraction

1 in (name of Allah the Merciful) repeated characters (3) times, and repeated letter lam (4) times, and reiterates the character Distraction (1) once. To put these statistics in a table:

Thousand lam distraction

3 4 1

Then repeated characters name (God) in the first verse of the Book of Allah in the following proportions (for a = e 143),

This number is a multiple of (11):

143 = 11 × 13

2 if we went to the last verse contained the word (of God) is the verse (God Samad) will see the same system is repeated! The number of characters per thousand and lam and distraction in this great verse is:

Thousand lam distraction

1 2 3
The number that represents the characters repeat the name of Allaah (God) in this verse is: (a l e = 132) a multiple of (11) also:

132 = 11 × 12

And very strange that the characters (God) Almighty is repeated another system based on the number (111) to emphasize the oneness of God Almighty, let us consider the numbers and Altanasqat with the number 11, where we express the value of each character repeated in the verse:

(In the name of God the Merciful) (Allah, the Eternal)

A God of God

3 4 4 1 2 3 3 1

The number which represents the repetition of characters (God) in the Basmalah, ie, a profile for him, is (1443), this number of complications (111):

1443 = 111 × 13
= 111 × 13 = 111 × 12
The same rule is found with the last verse, the repeated characters (God) in the (God-Samad) as follows:

(A ll e = 1332) and this number is a multiple of (111) also:

1332 = 111 × 12

The Glory of God Almighty! When we repeated letter repeats lam number one! To keep repeating this miraculous proof of the oneness of God.

Number (99) and the names of Allah

In the first verse of the Book of God there are three of the names of God are: (God - Rahman - merciful), each name of these names repeated in the Qur'an by fixed as follows:

God the Merciful

2699 57 115
The number which represents the Mirrored these iterations is (115572699) consists of nine grades and is divisible by (99):

115572699 = 99 × 1167401

The irony is that if we put together this all iterations of the system remained in place:

2699 + 57 + 115 = 2871

And the number (2871) is a multiple of (99) also:

2871 = 99 × 29

Truly amazing that the system remains constant even when we change my place (God Rahman) as follows:
Rahman, the merciful God

57 2699 115

Number which represents the repetition of these three names in this sequence (Rahman merciful God) is: (115 269 957) a multiple of (99):

115269957 = 99 × 1164343

This system is wonderful testimony to the sincerity of the words right to the Almighty: (Tell claimed God or whatever Rahman claimed he let the beautiful names and interpretation of the meaning of and do good, seek a way between) [Isra: 17/110].

(Say God is One)

This first verse in Surat Al-fidelity and decide which the oneness of God Almighty, character name (God) in this verse is:

Of God


The number that represents the characters repeat the name (of God) in this verse is: (a l l e = 2332) is a multiple of (11):

2332 = 11 × 212
The irony is that the system includes a very Surat full sincerity, to write this Surah: (Say: God is a God-Samad * * He begetteth not and did not have * no longer one). And write frequency of each letter of the name (of God) in the entire sura:

Of God

612 124

The number which represents the repetition of characters (God) is faithful in Surat (a ll e = 412 126) a multiple of (11) twice and in both directions, God Almighty and a one begets not!!!

Number: 412126 = 11 × 11 × 3406

Already reflected: 621214 = 11 × 11 × 5134

These results confirm that God arranged letters of his name within each chapter a precise system, and within each verse a precise system, and within each word a precise system!
Numbers attest to the oneness of God

We require the will of God Almighty to choose a name that is (God), this name is composed of three alphabetic characters repeated as follows:

Repeated a thousand times and one (a = 1) in the name of (God).

Lam repeated twice: (l = 2) in the name of (God).

Distraction repeated once: (e = 1) in the name of (God).

When half of these numbers: (a for e = 121) we have a number that expresses the repetition of one thousand and lam and distraction in the name of (God) is (121) this number is equal to exactly (11 × 11):

121 = 11 × 11
It is strange too that when we write the word (of God) and alter each character worth repeating in this word, namely: (a thousand = 1, lam = 2, distraction = 1) we find: (a ll e = 1221) The number (1221), which represents the frequency characters (God) in the name of (God) Almighty exactly equal to (11 × 111):1221 = 11 × 111Let us write these equations and consistency dazzling Consider:S e a a l l e1 2 1 1 2 2 1= 11 × 11 = 11 × 111And hopes with me dear reader, how to repeat the number (1) whether in the form (11) or (111), not these figures are a testimony to the oneness of God and the One?Is this everything?The facts that we have seen digital in this research represents only a small drop from the sea of ​​miracles the Qur'an. If we are familiar with books about the Qur'an as the number of atoms of the universe passed the wonders and miracles of the Qur'an. And shall expire wonders how a book is a book to Allah Almighty! And how to end the miracles of the Word of God Almighty?This digital miracle that we are witnessing today is evident and very strong proof that the Quran addresses the great Bmadzth every human being on this earth, the number is the language of a universal language, and this is also evidence that the Prophet is the messenger of God to all people. And listen with me to this divine call to all people: (Say: O people, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all who has the king of the heavens and the earth is no god but He gives life and causes death, believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and his words and follow him, that ye may be guided) [norms: 7 / 158] .

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